Maine Classic Car Museum
Come for an afternoon visiting one of Maine's best orphan car museums. There are several Hudsons on display. Cost is $10 per person.
Arrive between 11:00-11:30. Arundel is not far from Kennebunkport. There’s also the Seashore Trolley
Museum only a short drive away. This is a great area to spend the weekend if you’re looking for
something to do. We will bring in lunch (pizza) and drinks at 12:30PM compliments of the chapter. If
you have special dietary requirements, you may need to bring your own food. Please bring a chair as
we'll do lunch outside in the court yard. After lunch you can continue to walk the museum or head
home. The address is 2564 Portland Road (US Route 1), Arundel, Maine. For questions, call Greg at
781-438-1462. or go to the Museum website here. Please RSVP to Greg by September 8 so we have an
accurate head count – 781-438-1462 or