Antique and Classic Power Museum
The Antique & Classic Power Museum houses one of the largest and most unique collections of antique and classic automobiles, motorcycles, farm implements, steam and gas tractors as well as Americana memorabilia. The pioneer village includes an array of old buildings; a shoe shop, print shop, church and Wallsburg’s first mercantile established in 1890. The foundation has had numerous enhancements over the last few years including a dedicated area for hobbyists to fly remote control aircraft. The foundation asks for a donation of $10/person twelve and older; a light lunch will be provided. We need at least 50 people to attend to make this car hobbyist day happen. If you want to join us please contact David Putman 801-814-8185 or Richard Dickerson 801-941-1959. If we don’t answer please leave a message. On Facebook visit Deseret Chapter - Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club, 00-0010-2991, Wallsburg, UT