Winter Joint Meet – Hudson & Studebaker Clubs
Larry and Sue Kennedy will host a joint Winter Meet with the Indy Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club and the Southern Indiana/Kentucky Chapter of the Hudson Club on Saturday, March 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight savings time. This joint meet with be held at the Franklin Township Civic League, 8822 Southeastern Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46239 (located two houses beyond the Ordinary in downtown Wanamaker). Hosts will provide a meat dish, water, coffee and iced tea. Bring your place settings and a dish or dessert to share. This facility is handicapped accessible and has a handicapped restroom, but no kitchen facilities. There are lots of electrical outlets for crockpots and plenty of parking spaces. If you have questions, contact Larry Kennedy (317) 862-2020 or (317) 908-6401