Southern Indiana/Kentucky Chapter’s Holiday Party

Southern Indiana/Kentucky Chapter’s Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.  The location is the Half Moon Restaurant and Brewery, 4051 S. Lafountain, Kokomo, IN 46902 (765-455-2739).  Half Moon has an extensive menu which you can view online.  Plan on spending about $30 for your meal, tax and tip, depending upon what you order.  We have a table reserved in the name of Southern Indiana/Kentucky Chapter.  Also, be sure you bring a white elephant gift for our gift exchange—find something you don’t need that will be another’s treasure or spend a minimal amount—$10 or $15.  You can see the Half Moon Restaurant from 931. Coming from the North,  stay on 931 to Alto Rd and turn right.  Go to the light you will turn left and that is South Lafountain.  Just follow it to in front of the Restaurant.  For more info call: Rick Home-(574) 722-6413, Work-(574) 753-5720 or (574) 721-6060 cell